Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Girls have vending machines in their bathrooms

I love my group of friends we have so much fun together!!! I've learned so much with them already this semseter:

1) 8 month pregnant people are better at Zumba than me. (Dom and Omar are really good at Zumba).
2) Dark choc. chips in waffles= really tasty.
3) Soccer in the snow is actually funnier sometimes. (But straight up soccer is fun to).
4) Spotifiy is super awesome for playing music and everyone should use it.
5) Sodas are super cheap at great scotts.
6) Ice cream tastes better when it has resses magic shell poured on top.
7) There is such a thing as too much pizza.
8) Abs that rock is really hardcore.
9) Question-own-aa is NOT a Spanish word.
10) DC really cares about back massages and four kids. (AKA always play the fortunate game)
11) Sticky notes can make someones day.
12) Rock, Paper, Staples.
13) You can watch all the star wars in one saturday.
14) Latin dancing is really fun. (if you don't dance with the weird ones)
15) A whole bag of kettle chips can be devoured in less than 15 minutes.
16) Mac and Cheese makes a great Sunday dinner.
17) People's ovens can catch on fire one in morning.
18) Just dance is fun game.
19) Cheating at apples to apples is okay.
20) Bobbie writes beautiful poetry.
21) Nichole is the best lunch date ever.
22) Fries at the crossroads are two bucks and Jonathan works there at 1:00.
23) Candy/animal cracker jars = WAY in!
24) Kaye is really fun to go to Utah with and to get shakes with.
25) Morgan and Dom are great running buddies.
26) Trash bagging is real.
27) Wall yoga is legit
28) Pair and Spare
29) Picture walls are made to display crazy pictures... ;)
30) Stats is a fun class.


  1. MIRIAM(:
    i just found your blog, via tu madre's blog, and i've been reading through and i love it!(:
    so yeah.
    LOVE YOU!(: (you should come visit me sometime)
    -Sarah Hirschi:D

  2. Thanks! :) Do you have a blog?! I would LOVE to come visit! We could eat brownies! ;)
