Sunday, December 9, 2012

I crack myself up

Tonight was feeling un-sleepy (It's a word look it up)... so I decided since I'm down to about five pages left in my journal to look through it and see if I manged to learn anything these past few months. Still not sure if I learned anything ;) but I did find these funny-ish things that I wrote.

1)  April 14th 2012: "Love is a WEIRD thing, I don't quite get it... And i'm NOT SURE anyone does."

2) April 22nd 2012: "Man, I'm looking forward to the day I can look back at this time and laugh at all my culelessness".

3) April 25 2012: "I notice my handwriting and spelling getting progressively worse... would it be weird to pray and wish for better handwriting and maybe some mad spelling skills?"

4) May 7 2012: "Maybe I should get a mountain bike or cut my hair... that seems like a healthy change"

5) May 13 2012: "Great day, Saved a kitten :)"

6) May 19 2012: "Isn't it funny that we can ask, ask, ask for something then it happens and we can instantly be like 'just kidding'".

7) May 31st 2012: "Sometimes I want him to fall down a well and hit his stupid head... but I don't really want that, all that much.".

8) June 7 2012: "Today is the day I become the 'new miriam'. I already like her better than the old miriam"

9) June 11 2012: "Running and I have a love/hate relationship, I need to work on that... speaking of working on relationships I told Juli she reminds of a Leperchan today why do I open my mouth?"

10) June 13 2012: "here are my goals: 1) go to bed early like 11:30..."

11) June 26th 2012: "I saw him after devo. It wasn't so bad although I sorta said "F my life" OUT LOUD, don't worry I just said the letter "f" I didn't say the actual word. Still I hope he didn't hear me"

12) June 28th 2012: "I'm throughly confused"

13) July 2 2012: "My dream man? Probably someone I can love without a doubt, EVEN when he is an idiot"

14) July 7th 2012: "I'm going to be one of those super moms that pack the kids lunches"

15) July 26 2012: "This is going to be the best summer ever, obviously"

16) August 5th 2012: "Church was LEGIT today"

17) August 7th 2012: " I think sometimes it's better to write late at night when i'm tired because maybe i'll actually write without overthinking and my true subconscience thoughts will come out. i'm probably crazy, I need some sleep"

18) August 20th 2012: " I've decided pillow pets are the best invention in the whole wide world, beside ice cream. Fat girl gotta eat"

19) Sept. 9 2012: "My life is repeative. The End, rinse and repeat"

20) Sept 14 2012: "Stayed up until 2:00 am watching King Kong and bawling like a baby... I is a mess"

21) Sept 15 2012: "I'm probably not 1/2 as smart or mature as I think I am"

22) Sept 23 2012: "I am a catch gosh dang it!"

23) Oct 15h 2012: "Today I'm like 'it's all good in the hood'".

24) Oct 20th 2012: "ummm.. today I ate a brownie??? Idk whatelse to say about today"

25) Nov 5th 2012: "another day, another Lack of dollar"

26) Nov 14th 2012: "For some reason I'm compelled to turn every little thing into a race"

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