Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things I hope are invented soon:

1) 'Heated' coats/zip hoodies: I have one of those plug-in heated blankets.. it's changed my life. :) I left it at school and I am really missing it right now. Thank goodness I'll be flying out to west coast in a few days and can be reunited with it! I am waiting anxiously for the day that they have a heated coats. They really wouldn't be that hard to make; just run wires through the coat and instead of a plug-in have a removable re-chargeable battery. PLEASE someone come out with some fashionable heated coats ans zippys soon! I'll be happy to test them for you. 

2) Smell changing shampoo: This one isn't as easy to make. When I was younger we always seemed to have tons of different shampoos in the bathroom. I would always mix them because I would get tired of the same smell. But, I am not sure how one could make just one bottle change smells. Sigh!

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