Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big family

You know your from a big family if:

1) you go to the bathroom JUST to be alone

2) you automatically double recipies

3) being alone for to long freaks you out

4) quiet freaks you out

5) you always have someone to play with

6) your birthday is exciting because it's a day ALL about you

7) you have make sure the dishwasher is run after every meal or else you get behind.

8) you have a mountain of lanudry after one day.

9) when your in trouble your parents have to go through 6 or so siblings names before they get to yours.

10) most your clothes are hand me downs

11) your drive a 15 passagner van

12) when someone says they are from a family of four you wonder what it would be like to be from a family that small

13) you think everyone has four slots on there toasters.. knowing they come with two slots blows your mind

14) you have to hide the good food

15) you wouldn't change your family for the world

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