Thursday, November 27, 2014


Love is the theme every song, movie, and debately every conversation.

Perhaps because it has been the theme since the beginning. Our loving Heavenly Father crated a plan for us because He loves us. Christ atoned for us because He loves us.

Love isnt love until you give it away.

Christlike attributes are clearly is patient, selfless, humble, forgiving, is charitable, virtuous, is kind, sacrifices.

I see it all day in everything around me. In the gospel of Jesus Christ. In familes. It's in saying sorry first and meaning it. In the breeze on a hot day. In the old couple in front of me on bus sharing crackers. The way my sister calls me to proudly declare what her husband has been up to. The way my brother and his wife talk about their daughter. In an older married man still opening the door for his wife.

I stand by holland when I say "Christlike love is the greatest need we have"

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