Friday, August 5, 2011


My Old Man has won father of the year 22 years running... at least that's what he claims ;) I would personally have to say 19 years. haha! We all  know it wasn't a family till I was here!

He is so so funny! I remember when I was little people were ALWAYS telling me how awesome and funny my Dad was. I would always tell them that he just used the same jokes over and over again. It wasn't tell I was a bit older that I learned he didn't. He is super sassy and witty. Deftly a trait I hope I inherit! I also wouldn't mind inheriting his ability to come up with analogies on the spot. Seriously! It's the coolest super power ever!  

Everywhere we go my Dad is always sassying and running (He literally runs EVERYWHERE it cracks me up) and trying to embarrass us kids. When I was little it would make me SO mad and embarrassed. I am POSITIVE he embarrassed us on purpose which now that I am older I can respect and appreciate it. I have learned from my father that life is to short to not enjoy it. I now find it rather assuming when my father is harassing the employees at the local grocery store. 

My Dad has the best laugh! I try very hard to get a good laugh out of him. Just chilling on the car ride home kicking with my old man. Swapping stories. Some of my favorite times with him. He also is always encouraging us to silly things!! He's had us jump off of waterfalls, AND say slightly inappropriate things at slightly inappropriate times.

HE freak-en Rocks! He's been the creator of many of our families BEST one liners! :D Such as "A family that (fill in the blank) together stays together". He deftly has my vote for father of the year this year! He is a hard-working, smart, funny, secret sweetheart, joking, fun, country-ghetto, totally loveable, and just all around awesome! 

I really hope he likes this blog!  


  1. I don't know about anyone else, but this man sounds AWESOME!!!! A true model of fatherhood and righteousness......what's that, Miriam? You want your computer back? Okay, daughter, I am almost done.........

  2. There is so much more to could make an entire blog in and of itself dedicated to our father... "Gonna Write a Blog About Dad"

    Think about it. It could be big. (not as big as my dads biceps...but close)
