Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BLOG WARS: AKA Best Friend love is Real!

My dear adorable friend Juli Loosle, wrote a blog called "Love is Not Real!", the link to her blog "Sea Foam Green" is on the side of my page. Check it out! P.S. Juli love is real, it just takes a life to make it so! ;) Oh and I love you!

It is. How can you not define best friend love? Now find someone near you, have them define it, there definitions are probably very similar. Why? because best friend love mainly consist of giggling, sleepovers, over eating, and partying. Best friend love is not just something we can make up in out brains to make us feel better. It usually gets you into trouble when you convince yourselves that it's okay to eat a whole cartoon on ice cream together. Why wouldn't you  guys do that to yourselves?!

I can think of several reasons. I wish someone would convince those without best friend love to find it, those who have it are happy, but I some people never find it.

When you find it. I hope you enjoy living in delirium, it is such a happy place.

Sincerely, a girl with lots of best friend love in her life.

p.s. Yesterday I hung out with my best friends. I suggest it. It may not always be the most health experience (especially when whole cartons of ice cream are consumed), but it proves best friend love is real and beautiful.

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