Thursday, June 9, 2011


 People are quick to have excuses, I even have an excuse for why this is! Excuse: It's easier to blame others for our mistakes! 

I have been reading this book called 'how to read to people' over the course of the pass few days. I have come several huge conclusions. One of them being that there are several types of Sorry's:

1) 'I'm Sorry that I made you feel that way': Sounds real nice like at first. This sorry can usually get you off the hook, especially if you truly somewhat feel that way. But, let's analysis this a bit... I'm sorry I made YOU feel that way. Keyword here being: "you". Implying a sick, twisted, and usually subconscious way of saying that it is the other persons fault for being angry! Think about it they aren't sorry that they called you fat. They are sorry that YOU were offended by that statement! 

2) 'I'm Sorry that came out wrong": Not going to lie, I use this one a TON. 65 t0 70% of the time things really and truly do come out wrong. HOWEVER, a lot of the times this sorry means; 'I'm sorry no one thought that was funny'. 

3) 'I'm Sorry I won't do it again": 95% of the time, you WILL do it again, and again, and again. 78% of the time you are just saying that to avoid a fight. Example: When you're caught eating all the cookies, and you say 'sorry I won't do it again'! YEAH RIGHT!!! 

4) Sorry this person logged off: You're not sorry computer! In fact i'm sure you are thrilled! I am sad though that you have changed your ways and now you just say " Madeline is Offline. Your message will be sent to her inbox." SO RUDE! 

5) *giggle* i'm sorry are you okay:  Oh yeah I just fell down a flight of stairs and am bleeding everywhere! I think we all guilty of this one. It's so much more funny though when you're the witness and not the victim. 

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