Monday, June 20, 2011

Your Roommate Jokes:

 I was sitting in the living room all bored-like this afternoon. When it hit me like a big yellow school bus: everyone has heard some good your mama jokes... and it got me to thinking. Why not your roommate jokes?!

PS. None of the following jokes are directed at my own personal roommates. ;) Just roommates in general.

1) Your roommate is so dumb, that when her computer died she when and bought a new one cause didn't know how to use a plug!
                                                                                                                                                                          2) Your roommate is so fat, she ate your pet goldfish, and said 'hmmm that's cheesy!" 

3) Your roommate is so stupid, she followed you to class and then didn't understand why her name wasn't on the role.

4) Your roommate so dumb she forgot your apartment number.

5) Your roommate is so mean she made her baby niece do the dishes.

6) Your roommate is so full of herself when she saw your reflection in the mirror she said 'hey! how'd you get in there too?"

7) Your roommate is so ugly her own parents refuse to Skype with her!

8) Your roommate is so fat your ALL out of ice cream.

9) Your roommate is so dumb, she thinks she's your roommate but she doesn't even live here. (- Written by Nichole Jenkins)

10) Your roommate is so fat she 5 meals... for breakfast.

11) Your roommate is so blonde she thinks she's a brunette.

12) Your roommate is so lazy you've never seen the couch.

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